Azure Compute
About Microsoft Azure Compute
Often referred to as just Azure or Azure Compute, Microsoft Azure Compute is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. It provides software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
Why You Should Integrate Microsoft Azure
Integrating Microsoft Azure Compute provides you with an inventory of your Azure Compute virtual machines, enabling visibility and product coverage across your cloud assets.
How Does the Integration Work
This integration pulls information from Virtual Machines that satisfy the following criteria:
- powered on VMs
- VMs with uptime longer than 24 hours
- VMs not within an availability set or scale set
If you haven't already, please review our instructions for configuring the integration before proceeding with the instructions below.
Configuration Options
Device Filtering Options
Field | Descripition | Example |
Include Availability Set | By default, availability sets are not pull in order to reduce the likelihood of duplicate records. By selecting this you will pull in all VMs associated with Availability Sets | n/a |
Include Machine Scale Set | By default, Machine Scale Sets are not pull in order to reduce the likelihood of duplicate records. By selecting this you will pull in all VMs associated with Machine Scale Sets | n/a |
External Documentation
Creating Credentials
See platform documentation for details on creating an application Microsoft Azure - Creating credentials
Required Permissions
To access Azure Compute resources in your subscription, you must assign a role to the application. When assigning a role you can utilize a built-in role or create a custom role with only the specific permissions required to access Azure Compute resources.
Built-in Role
- Virtual Machine Contributor or Global Reader.
Follow the link for steps on how to assign a role to the application
Custom Role
- Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/read
- Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/instanceView/read
- Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/read
- Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/read
- Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/read
- Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/ipconfigurations/read
- Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/read
- Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/dnsAliases/read
After creating the application in the Microsoft Azure - Creating credentials steps, you will need to Create or update Azure custom roles using the Azure portal. Use the following example for assigning the appropriate permissions.
"id": "<role definition ID>",
"properties": {
"roleName": "<Role Name>",
"description": "",
"assignableScopes": [
"<Subscription ID>"
"permissions": [
"actions": [
"notActions": [],
"dataActions": [],
"notDataActions": []
Once the custom role is created you can then follow the link for steps on how to assign a role to the application.
Contact Us
If you're having problems integrating a source, or if you've found something wrong in this document, please email us at [email protected].
Updated 7 days ago