JumpCloud – Devices
JumpCloud is an open directory platform for secure, frictionless access from any device to any resource.
Why You Should Integrate
Integrating with JumpCloud will provide visibility into the devices present in your environment.
How Does the Integration Work
This integration pulls device objects and associated information from JumpCloud using the JumpCloud Systems REST APIs.
This data is only used internally; we do not share it with any parties outside of Sevco. Refer to our privacy policy for details.
If you haven't already, please review our instructions for configuring the JumpCloud integration before proceeding with the instructions below.
Configuration Options
Choose a Schema
No additional configuration needed
API Key with System Insights
Field | Description | Example |
Pull System Insights Data | System Insights is a paid add-on to the core JumpCloud product. Check this box if you pay for System Insights and would like to pull additional data | n/a |
External Documentation
Creating Credentials
You'll be asked to provide an API key that Sevco will use to connect to JumpCloud.
The following link provides information on where this can be found. https://docs.jumpcloud.com/api/1.0/index.html#section/API-Key/Access-Your-API-Key
Contact Us
If you're having problems integrating a source, or if you've found something wrong in this document, please email us at [email protected] or suggest edits directly by selecting the Suggest Edits
located in the upper right hand corner of the documentation.
Updated over 1 year ago