Cylance is an AI-driven endpoint detection and response (EDR) platform that allows companies to intelligently strengthen, automate, and streamline their overall endpoint security efforts
Sevco Asset Type
Required Parameters
tenant_id - Tenant ID from the Cylance console Integrations page
app_id - Cylance Protect App ID from the Cylance console
app_secret - App secret for the Cylance Protect API key
Region - Region Code for the Cylance Service Endpoint
The Region Code determines which Cylance Service Endpoint to connect with
NA - North America
APN -Asia-Pacific North
APS - Asia-Pacific South
EU - Europe
GOV - US Government
SA - South America
The required parameters can be generated from the CylancePROTECT cloud interface.
From the Integration Tab, click on "Add Application"
Provide a name for the integrations ( SEVCO ) and check all the boxes in the "Read" column. Sevco does not need write or modify access.
Copy the app_id and app_secret presented on screen.
Updated over 1 year ago