
Zoom is a modern video conferencing and virtual communications platform.

Why You Should Integrate

This integration will provide visibility into your users in Zoom within the Sevco Security app. You will be able to see things like groups, roles, email addresses and usernames.

How Does the Integration Work

This integration pulls all users within a given Zoom Organization.

This data is only used internally; we do not share it with any parties outside of Sevco. Refer to our privacy policy for details.


  1. Choose a Schema: A schema is a configuration template that defines a specific way to connect, authenticate, and interact with a source. The following are the available schemas

    • Server-to-Server OAuth: Will retrieve user assets using your client ID and secret
  2. Configure Plugin:

Server-to-Server OAuth Schema

Account ID*The Zoom account ID to pull users from5yiPLwmTTpQVBnMxOlf32q
Client ID*The client ID given by Zoom when you configure an app following the docs below5NI6y87IFMueGIkFDPmpsG
Client Secret*The client secret given by Zoom when you configure an app following the docs belowlIEmaMlCUHoVAbhKaThLbRKF0AWIBZHe
  1. Configure Name: OPTIONAL: You can give the configuration a name to provide an identifiable attribute of the configuration to delineate other similar configurations.

Source Documentation

Creating Credentials

Server-to-Server OAuth Schema

Follow this guide to create a Server-to-Server OAuth app within Zoom. When you get to the Scopes section, the following scopes are required for the Sevco integration:


Contact Us

If you're having problems integrating a source, or if you've found something wrong in this document, please email us at