
UDT Asset Tracking and Management System (ATMS) is a multi-tenant, cloud-based tool to help enterprises manage the full lifecycle of their technology assets.

Available Integrations

Product(s)Supported Asset Type(s)Integration Type
ATMSDevices, SoftwareSource


Please review the configuration instructions in the section below before setting up permissions for apps.


  1. Choose an Access Schema: A schema is a configuration template that defines a specific way to connect, authenticate, and interact with an external product. The following are the available schemas
    • API Key: Will authenticate using a provided API Key
  2. Configure the Access Schema


URL*The URL where your ATMS instance is hosted.
API Key*The API Key generated within ATMS to pull assetsQtfTLeJlk87Iz7DM1r9gaU8JRVFO8rj/ccmbwOJer8hMCfQmqTMGZCLhU3yXs1G0QyfJ4GfMRazZ1W1KfU5pVqgykSMmnh60KrffG7d/K5==
Skip TLS Certification ValidationSkip certificates validation when using a certificate that is self-signed or unable to be validated through a proper certificate authority.N/A
  1. Add an Integration: Select the integration(s) you'd like to add.
  1. Configure General Information: OPTIONAL: You can use the following fields to provide additional information about your configuration.
Name (optional)Uniquely identifiable attribute of the configuration to delineate other similar configurations with the existing organization.'DMZ network'
Contact Person (optional)A placeholder to input a name or email address of a contact associated with the integration.'Jane Doe'
Link to Console (optional)A placeholder to input a link to the console of the product Sevco is integrating with for quick reference and access when configuring or editing the
Email me about frequent errorsSelect this toggle to receive an email whenever an Integration has a ≥30% error rate in a 24-hour period.n/a
  1. Activate Config: To enable this configuration select "Activate".

External Documentation

Creating credentials


Required permissions

ATMS API implements a Bearer token as an authentication and authorization method. All customers who want to access their data must request this token from the ATMS team.

API Documentation

Contact Us

If you're having problems configuring an integration, or if you've found something wrong in this document, please email us at [email protected] or suggest edits directly by selecting the Suggest Edits link located in the upper right hand corner of the documentation.

Tags: cloud, epp